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Book Media, Religion and Culture: Digital Zen : Buddhism, Virtual Worlds and Online Meditation DOC, MOBI


Cyber Zenargues that, on a pragmatic level, digital religious practice in virtual worlds such as Second Life affords isolated and solitary practitioners a Buddhist community, if only a virtual one. It argues that much contemporary popular religious practice is a creative protest against, and also a product of, the suffering produced by the desires of living in late capitalism and an intensification of the free market, globalization, and consumerism. Examining Anglo-Buddhism's conceptions of self, practice, and community, Cyber Zen makes the case that participants in this virtual world have developed a form of religion that allows them to flourish in a late capitalistic society., Digital Zen argues that, on a pragmatic level, digital religious practice in virtual worlds such as Second Life affords isolated and solitary practitioners a Buddhist community, if only a virtual one. It argues that much contemporary popular religious practice is a creative protest against, and also a product of, the suffering produced by the desires of living in late capitalism and an intensification of the free market, globalization, and consumerism. Examining Anglo-Buddhism s conceptions of self, practice, and community, "Digital Zen" makes the case that participants in this virtual world have developed a form of religion that allows them to flourish in a late capitalistic society."

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Play at your own risk.Instead he calls for an approach that recognizes how the main qualities of tradition are transient, fleeting, and contingent.The13 IPMU conference took place in Dortmund, Germany, June 28 July 2, 2010.The International Conference on Conceptual Modeling provides the premiere - rum for presenting and discussing current research and applications in which the - jor emphasis is on conceptual modeling.It employs physical implementations and extensive computer simulations.Beginning by outlining the all-important role that fear plays in every type of change--and kaizen's ability to neutralize it by circumventing the brain's built-in resistance to new behavior--Dr.