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Of the original Gilded Age, historian Richard Hofstadter wrote: "There is no other period in the nation's history when politics seems so completely dwarfed by economic changes, none in which the life of the country rests so completely in the hands of the industrial entrepreneur." The era of William Jefferson Clinton's ascent to the presidency was strikingly similarnothing less, Clinton himself said, than "a paradigm shift . . . from the industrial age to an information-technology age, from the Cold War to a global society." How Bill Clinton met the challenges of this new Gilded Age is the subject of Patrick J. Maney's book: an in-depth perspective on the 42nd president of the United States and the transformative era over which he presided. Bill Clinton: New Gilded Age President goes beyond personality and politics to examine the critical issues of the day: economic and fiscal policy, business and financial deregulation, healthcare and welfare reform, and foreign affairs in a post-Cold War world. But at its heart is Bill Clinton in all his guises: the first baby boomer to reach the White House; the "natural"the most gifted politician of his generation, but one with an inexplicably careless and self-destructive streak; the "Comeback Kid," repeatedly overcoming long odds; the survivor, frequently down but never out; and, with Hillary Rodham Clinton, part of the most controversial First Couple since Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Maney's book is, in sum, the most succinct and up-to-date study of the Clinton presidency, invaluable not merely for understanding a transformative era in American history, but presidential, national, and global politics today.

Bill Clinton : New Gilded Age President by Patrick J. Maney read book TXT, DJV

Drawing upon her experiences with workers of all ages and types, she shows how behaviors know no generational boundaries and how to work with people based on their talents, strengths, and weaknesses rather than simply slapping on a generational label and fitting them into an arbitrary slot.Her works dwell on obsessions: erotic love, evil, purity, perversion, prostitution, tragic separation, and death.Primary caregivers: urologist, periodontist, colorist.Given his fame as a stuntman, the brash, publicity-hungry Corliss remained the popular favorite to claim the first landing.Our mistakes are legion, but our talent is immeasurable., Humans have "subdued 75 percent of the land surface, concocted a wizardry of industrial and medical marvels, strung lights all across the darkness." We tinker with nature at every opportunity; we garden the planet with our preferred species of plants and animals, many of them invasive; and we have even altered the climate, threatening our own extinction.He also addresses his present: When I turned eighty and rubbed testosterone on my chest, my beard roared like a lion and gained four inches.Ripert s parents divorced when he was six, separating him from the father he idolized and replacing him with a cold, bullying stepfather who insisted that Ripert be sent away to boarding school.As Parkinson's has now entered into his own life, he writes about old age honestly and spiritually.Using music as a vehicle to express herself, she revisits 10 men of her past and paints a portrait of their relationship through the mixtapes she made them.The toothless, red-wigged queen sparkled in her jewelled dresses, but the Golden Age was only the surface of the coin.Hall paints his past: "Decades followed each other -- thirty was terrifying, forty I never noticed because I was drunk, fifty was best with a total change of life, sixty extended the bliss of fifty .The spectacle defied reason, the result of a competition dreamed up by entrepreneur Peter Diamandis, whose vision for a new race to space required small teams to do what only the world's largest governments had done before.